Saxophone Resources

Assembling your Saxophone

This page is for the coolest section in the band.  You are going to need how to take care of your instrument, put it together properly, make and to make a great sound.  The videos below will help you with all of those things so please take some time on your own to make sure that you are doing things correctly and your FUN level in band will go through the roof!

Assembling Your Saxophone

Proper Reed Replacement

Saxophone Embrouchre

Now that your saxophone and mouthpiece/reed are put together properly it is time to make a sound.  The way with do this is with a good embouchure. THE WHAT?!?!?!?! Embouchure (Om-Buh-Sure)



Saxophone Tongue

So we have a sax, we have some good sounds and now we need to learn to articulate.  This all starts with your first note and eventually moving one long sound into smaller pieces.  For that you need to learn how to tongue. This can be tricky for beginners so if you are struggling make it known and watch as many videos as you can.  Maybe my way isn't the best for you and someone out in cyber-space will have just the tip or trick to get you tonguing properly. 

Harvey Pittel

Saxophone Vibrato

As you move into 7th and 8th grade or you just pick up on things really quickly and are looking for ways to get better.  a great way to add flavor to your tone is to develop a vibrato.  Mr. Schoening wants a sound and vibrato and your SWIBA and ALl-State auditions will require a more classical approach.  Check out the videos below to get starting on developing this essential skill.

Saxophone Vibrato

Harvey Pittel


Saxophone Pros

Alrighty already! Now that you are well on your way it is extremely important that you know what a sax is "Supposed" to sound like.  Here are 3 examples of over 1,998,967,453.  Please do yourself a solid and listen to as many school appropriate examples as you can.  Then and only then will you be able to set a goal for what you want to sound like.  Maybe some day I'll be able to send my 6th graders off to watch you?

John Coltrane

Claude T. Smith

Leo P.