Thursday, December 1, 2022


Thursday, December 1, 2022

Upcoming Events

  • December 7, 14                    2 Hr Early Out
  • December 19-30                  No School

Lunch Menu for November




Art Club Meeting Thursday after school in Mr. Yoachim's room



21st Breakfast with Santa

Saturday, December 3, 2022

8:30 – 10:30 am

At the Mills County YMCA

Breakfast!  Games!! Santa!!!!  

Cost:  $5 (ages 12-adult)

$3 (ages 2-11)

Free (for those under 2)   

Breakfast with Santa is brought to you by our incredible YMCA and the awesome Reach/SADD students at the high school along with the help of our amazing Fire Department.




The next GHS blood drive is Monday, December 5th from 6:30 am to 1 pm in the gym.  Please give and help save a life. 

  • The American Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis – its worst blood shortage in over a decade, posing a concerning risk to patient care. Doctors have been forced to make difficult decisions about who receives transfusions and who will need to wait until more products become available. Blood donations are critically needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments. Due to the National Blood Crisis all blood types except for AB+ and AB- are eligible for power red donations until further notice! Please encourage your eligible donors to schedule a Power Red donation at your blood drive.
  • To help meet the needs of patients who are immunocompromised and may benefit from COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP), the Red Cross will resume testing all blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies, to identify potential units that can be manufactured into CCP. We hope that by testing all blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies, we may provide donors insight into their own COVID-19 antibody status.


    1. Anyone 16 and up can give.  If you are 16 you will need a signed parent permission form each time - you can give these to Mrs. Lewis ahead of time or bring them with you the day of the drive.
  • You need your driver’s license OR your blood donor card.  
  • Please remember to eat a good breakfast and lunch and drink
extra fluids.  We don’t want you getting sick or passing out!  
  • We would like to keep our double red machines busy all day.  If you are type O-, O+, A-, or B-+ we’d love for you to sign up to give doubles (2RBC on the sign up sheet).
  • You can speed things up by going to and answering the questions ahead of time.  This has to be done the day of the drive.  You can’t do it the night before.  Now you can do it from your phone!
  • There is an app for your phone that contains your donor card and all of your information.  Workers can scan it for your information.  It also keeps track of how many times you’ve donated and also allows you to make appointments.  Look for this symbol in the app store.
  • If you gave doubles at our last drive you won’t be able to give at this one.  Thank you for your previous donation!
  • Athletes in season are discouraged from donating - it takes 6 weeks to replace red blood cells - so it could prevent you from performing at your peak level.  Please donate once you are out of season!
  • Sign up with a blood drive representative during
lunch or email Mrs. Lewis to set up a time.
  • Grab your friends, sign up and give!
  • Please help us reach our goal of 70 usable units!




FFA all member meeting
Thursday, December 8th
645-8pm in HS ag room


School Traditions/Josten's representative has advised us that there are a lot of seniors that have not ordered their caps and gowns yet.  The easiest way to do this is by ordering on  If you want to order at the store it is located at 12100 W Center Road, Bel Air Plaza Suite 901, Omaha.  Hours are Wednesday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. 

Staff Nomination Links


You will need a pass to Mrs. Shari Rodenburg at  to let her know which college visit you would like to attend.


Motto - "Nothing lasts forever, but at least we have these memories."  By J. Cole 
Flower - Carnation
Colors - Lilac and Ivory 
Class Song - "I Lived" by OneRepublic  


TEST DATE             DEADLINE            LATE DEADLINE(extra fee)

February 11              January 6                January 20

April 15                    March 10                 March 24

June 10                     May 5                      May 19

July 15                      June 16                   June 23