By Lorraine Duitsman
Sunday, August 25, 2024

8/25/24 Principal Newsletter

By Lorraine Duitsman
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dear Parent, Student, and Educator,

It was a wonderful 1st week of school!  Thank you for choosing to attend Glenwood High School.  This week is a full week of school with an early out Wednesday. 

Quote to think about this week:

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits, and their habits decide their futures.” –Matthias Alexander; Let’s establish good habits of daily attendance & practice work.

Students are currently learning about our school wide expectations:

Class Meeting Slides; 24-25 Student & Family Handbook

Please visit about the following with your student:

Schedule Changes: We will be making adjustments to student schedules as needed. Students have requested changes through a paper form available with teachers. Students may also email their counselors: 9-10, Mrs. Brianna Quiroz; 11-12, Mrs. Paulina Rodenburg 

Daily habits with learning and practice are important.

Practice work is essential for learning and must be completed to reassess.  The majority of practice work students complete is during a class period. Teachers will be marking practice work as “collected” or “missing” in Powerschool.  Teachers use this practice work to inform next steps in teaching and supporting student learning. While “homework” or practice work is not calculated towards the grade, it certainly counts, and matters! Successful students don’t skip practice. Just like on the court or the field,we have to practice to perform well. 

Attendance at school is critical to learning and success.  Please make every effort to have your student at school during school hours and for your child not to miss days of school or unnecessary time away from learning.  The State of Iowa has increased requirements and regulations for chronic absenteeism, requiring schools to follow up on absences with increased meetings, plans, and interventions, including partnership with the County Attorney.  

Thank you Families! We had an outstanding turn out at Freshman Orientation and on the first day of school!  We appreciate students arriving early and coming ready to learn.

Reminder: Doors open as early as 7am and breakfast starts at 7:30am. The warning bell to go to the 1st hour rings at 7:55am. Class starts promptly at 8am. Students not on time for school will be directed to sign in at the main office. Unexcused tardies result in detentions.  This year, if students make it in the front doors before they are locked but do not make it to their classroom in time, they will be sent back to the main office to sign in. Students will be asked to call parents to acknowledge the tardy. Parents may excuse 1st hour tardies within 24 hours to avoid detentions.  We expect morning excusals and morning tardies are a rare occurrence; repeated excusals will be documented and followed up on by our attendance team.

Arrival:Students arriving at school may wait in the cafeteria or common areas before the warning bell sounds to go to class. Students may also seek help from a teacher in the morning.

Departure: The school day ends at 3:25. Bus riders, the bus leaves out back promptly at 3:28.

Cell Phone/Technology Use: We are protecting instructional time.

New this year: We are working on adding enrichment to Rams Time. 

Rams Time occurs following the 2nd period on every day except early out Wednesdays. 

This week, we will be continuing lessons about safety, activity expectations, and technology in our homeroom.  Following Labor Day, we will begin traveling during Rams Time.

Rams Time options will include: content support, intervention, enrichment/clubs, assessment/reassessment, quiet study hall, and future ready offerings. Whatever students choose for support or engagement, Rams Time is a cell free time to learn and connect with peers. Students pre-requested by teachers will need to go to designated locations for learning support. Teacher needs for student intervention will take precedence over choice activities. Please ensure your student also has an independent reading book for Rams Time quiet study time.

Student Ambassadors Volunteered to Assist with New Students.

We held a staggered start day on the first day of school to support new students learning about the high school. Pictured below are teachers and staff and the Class of 2028!

Thank you for bringing the school spirit and positive energy this week students!

New Students

Looking forward to another great week RAM Nation!  

Lorraine Duitsman, GHS Principal