By Lorraine Duitsman
Sunday, September 15, 2024

9/15/24 Principal Newsletter

By Lorraine Duitsman
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Dear Parent, Student, and Educator,

This week, we have a full week of school with an early out Wednesday. This past week, students received their ordered yearbooks and also their picture packets for the upcoming picture day that is on September 25th. If you missed getting your yearbook when they were handed out or you would like one, contact Mr. Charles Heilman

In this week’s newsletter, I wanted to share with you our school goals.

Our theme this school year is “Amplify Positivity: Shine Together.” 

We encourage all stakeholders: parents, students, and educators to think about how they can help to make our school a positive place by focusing on “What is Going Well?” This includes recognizing and celebrating good things that are happening and also increasing the occurrence of positive actions.

As part of this theme this school year, educators are increasing their efforts to notice positives and send “Good Things Postcards” to students.  Focusing on good things does not mean that we do not need feedback to grow and improve or need to work on areas.  All of us can improve and benefit from others helping us make corrections from time to time. 

According to research on growth mindset, resilience, and mental health, there are 3 Major Protective Factors that help us mitigate adversity and nourish personal strength: caring relationships, high expectations, and opportunities to participate and contribute. 

At GHS, we are increasing our focus on these 3 things by increasing student collaboration in the classroom, making time for students to connect with one another during the school day, and increasing opportunities for student leadership, input, and involvement. 

In addition to our theme this year, our school goals are:

Goal Area 1:  Accelerate learning for all students. 

Goal Area 2:  Reduce achievement gaps. 

Goal Area 3:  Improve climate & culture for students, staff, and stakeholders.

With our school goals, this is the data we are seeking to improve: 

  • Increase the number of students scoring Advanced + Proficient to 75% or higher for ELA, Math, and Science on Iowa Assessments.
  • Increase Emotional Safety (Student-Student Connections) & Adult-Student Relationships by 15% on the Conditions for Learning Survey.
  • Increase Positive School Attendance - 96% Avg. Daily Attendance or higher; 
  • Reduce Chronic Absenteeism to lower than 10%.
  • Increase Positive Referrals Data - All students will receive 2+ Good Things Postcards
  • Reduce Negative Behavior Referrals by 100.
  • Improve Graduation Rate - Increasing graduation rate to 98%.

For more information about our Student Achievement Plan, see:

Youth Frontiers: Respect Retreat: As part of our goal area #3: Improving Climate and Culture for Students, we are having a Youth Frontiers Respect Retreat.  Youth Frontiers (YF) is a nonprofit organization that has been delivering retreats to schools since 1987. They provide schools with experiences that inspire character, civility and community so that our next generation of leaders is grounded in character. On the Respect Retreat, the YF Programs Staff will focus on creating a more positive school community by engaging students in a variety of activities that enhance self-confidence, empathy and connectedness. This high-energy, interactive retreat is scheduled on Thursday, October 17 for the 10th grade class during the school day at GHS. For more information, see:

We will provide students and parents with more information about this program in the upcoming weeks. For questions, contact Assistant Principal, Mr. Jeremy Stukenholtz at:

Congratulations to our Students of the Week!

Students of the Week

GHS Reminders:

Attendance - Attendance at school is important to student success and learning. Be here and be on time to school. Doors open at 7am. Students wait in common areas and may begin going to classes at 7:50am. Students are to be in their classes, seated and ready to learn at 8am. *Students may receive help before and after school by arrangement with their teachers.

Phones - No phones are to be out and used in the classroom (this includes during RAMS time), and they are not to be used in locker rooms or restrooms. Students will no longer be receiving reminders about this. Phones are wonderful tools that can help us in many ways, but they can also be a distraction and can get in the way of truly connecting with family, friends, and classmates. While students may use phones before and after school, passing periods, and at lunch, we encourage students to connect with others through phone-free time. 

Social Media - Be a good representative of Glenwood Schools on Social Media. Be kind to others. As a reminder, “See Something, Say Something” –Report any concerns about suspicious behavior or threats directly to administration. Do not repost negative content. Each year, we have multiple issues that stem from social media, this past week included, and we highly encourage parents to check through their students’ phones to see what their online activities are on a regular basis. Also, please be aware of age restrictions. Most social media apps are not approved for kids under the age of 13, and others are not to be used without direct supervision until they’re 18 years old, including TikTok. More information about social media safety can be found here:

Parking Lot - Maintain safe speeds of 10 mph or less. Follow traffic patterns and do not drive through parking lines. Be patient and wait for pedestrians. Throw away trash in the garbage cans. Thank you for helping to keep our parking lot safe and respectful! 

RAMS Time - Academic needs take priority over choice activities. Students requested for academic help need to report as scheduled, so they are not counted absent and receive the help they need. Check your FlexiSched daily. 

RAM Gear Donations: Ram gear donations are being accepted at Glenwood Middle School and also at the GHS Main office. If you see any of the wonderful people that volunteer at the Mills County Storehouse, please let them know how much we appreciate them! They donated three tubs of Rams clothing for students!  Thank you to Mrs. Tadin at GMS for organizing donations! What a wonderful way to spread RAM Spirit!

Ram Gear

Need RAM Gear? We have gently used options available for free, and we are happy to assist based on availability. Please reach out to Mrs. Tadin, Student and Family Advocate,

Teammates This Week: Help to support Teammates by dining at Runza on Tuesday! 


Glenwood PTA: 

Support our “RAM”arkable teachers, staff, and students by buying PTA large Ram logo leaf and yard waste bags. The PTA helps to provide funds for school field trips, school supplies, and meals for teachers at conferences. Orders are due by Sept. 18th and information is available in the GHS Main Office. See: Information Sheet. & Order Form. If you are a student or student organization who is looking for service hours and would like to help encourage sales to support our schools, let us know! Information is available in the main office.

Important Dates –Looking ahead:

Early out Wednesdays in September are 18th and 25th.

HS Picture Day is Sept. 25th

*Homecoming information will be shared in upcoming newsletters!

Looking forward to another great week RAM Nation!  

Lorraine Duitsman, GHS Principal