By Lorraine Duitsman
Monday, September 2, 2024

9/2/24 Principal Newsletter

By Lorraine Duitsman
Monday, September 2, 2024

Dear Parent, Student, and Educator,

This week, we have school Tuesday –Friday, full days. This week we will have our 1st fall pep rally on Friday, September 6th to recognize and celebrate fall activities.

Glenwood High School would like to wish you a Happy Labor Day! On June 28, 1894, President Groover Cleveland signed a law making the first Monday in September of each year a national holiday. Labor Day pays tribute to our nation's strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.  Thank you to our community members and educators for your service!

Whether students' career goals begin with entry directly into the workforce, joining a branch of the military, a trade school or program, or college, we strive to prepare students for their futures by supporting them with career planning and career pathway explorations. At GHS, we have a wide array of programs helping students think about their career goals: Switch Programs, IJAG (Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates), Avenue Scholars, IWCC coursework, career and technical coursework, Xello career surveys, and much more! This year, we will be planning additional ways to increase career learning by embedding “Future Ready” opportunities into Rams Time. 

Quotes to think about:

“The future depends on what you do today.” Mahatma Gandhi

Last week: Students participated in a bus evacuation drill.  A special thanks to Mr. Frank Bachman, the transportation department, and local law enforcement for assisting with our drill practice.  Students also learned about Standard Response Protocols, building fire/evacuation and shelter locations, activity attendance expectations, and Rams Time, E-hall pass and FlexiSched

Rams Time Reminders: Students should have an independent reading book to read when not called for a “Flex” intervention and when they are finished with practice work for class. We encourage students to check their FlexiSched everyday to see if they are requested by a teacher and to select additional offerings.  See below for our categories for offerings:

Rams Time

Content Support: Students may request help from a subject area teacher/department.

Intervention: Teachers request students based on evidence of learning and missing work.

Enrichment/Club: This is for athletic, academic, and student clubs sponsored by the school. This is also for fun activities provided for students to build a positive school community.

Assessment/Reassessment: Offered in addition to after school assessment/reassessment. This is primarily used for students who need accommodations and modifications with learning plans.

Quiet Study: Students may select for study hall. If unscheduled, this will be their default. Students should bring an independent reading book and use this time for reading or homework.

Future Ready: Sessions available to learn about careers, colleges, trades programs, etc.

Have an idea for Rams Time? Let us know. We value community partnerships and student and parent feedback. Ideas and questions about Rams Time may be sent to the HS principals at duitsmanlor@glenwoodschools or

Teammates Back to School Recruiting Event: We invite you to attend an upcoming social event this week to learn about Teammates. For information about mentoring, requesting a mentor for your student, or becoming a mentor, contact Mrs. Sandra Dollen at: Glenwood has been recognized as a top performing Teammates District. Help us keep our program strong by volunteering and supporting mentoring!


Important Dates –Looking ahead:

Early out Wednesdays in September: Sept. 11th, 18th, and 25th.

Homecoming Dates:

Friday – October 4th - HS Dismissal at 11:25; Homecoming Parade 1:30 p.m.                         

Football Game 7:00 p.m. – Glenwood vs.Winterset

Saturday – October 5th - Coronation at 7:00 p.m. – High School Gym

Homecoming Theme - “A Day at the Zoo”

Honor Class - Glenwood Graduates of 1999

HS Picture Day: Sept. 25th

HS Sophomores & Seniors:  Class ring and senior graduation packets were handed out at class meetings. More are available in the main office. Seniors may begin ordering caps and gowns.

Homecoming Parade Information: The 2024 Homecoming theme is “A Day at the Zoo.” Recognition will be given to floats and banners that best reflect the parade theme

Looking forward to another great week RAM Nation!  

Lorraine Duitsman, GHS Principal