By Lorraine Duitsman
Sunday, September 8, 2024

9/8/24 Principal Newsletter

By Lorraine Duitsman
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dear Parent, Student, and Educator,

This week, we have a full week of school with an early out Wednesday. Thank you to the servicemen and women, firefighters, nurses/doctors, the police, and all who supported our country after the fateful 9/11 attacks in 2001. Nat’l Guard Sgt. Alex Whitening will be offering an optional presentation this week during RAMS time to students on the history of 9/11. As part of this week’s newsletter, we have also provided some information about school safety.

School Safety Systems, Procedures, Programs:

Glenwood School District recently collaborated with Iowa Homeland Security on walk-throughs of all district buildings and on a state safety grant.

  • Grant funds were used to update camera systems in our buildings. Our cameras and systems are set up to detect weapons, use of unauthorized entrances/exits, and send immediate alerts to administrators and the police department.  

Glenwood Schools and local law enforcement, teachers, and students are trained in Standard Response Protocols and how to respond in the event of an emergency.

Our district recently adopted the Raptor program.

  • Raptor is a state-of-the-art system designed to enhance the safety and security of our school environment. It helps us manage and monitor all visitors and volunteers who check into our building. For more information see the following document.

Our technology system is set up to flag anything suspicious or threatening with student searches or communication.  This program is called “Gaggle.”

  • Administrators and counselors follow up on Gaggle alerts with student and parent contacts. Examples include: mention of self harm, peer conflicts, substances, etc.

As a school we encourage students to report incidents needing adult attention.

  • Students can make a report by emailing or requesting to speak to an administrator or counselor. This is part of Rachel’s Challenge: “See Something, Say Something” 

Adult presence in the hallways and monitoring of behavior:

  • Our school district involves partnership with Glenwood Schools Law Enforcement on a School Resource Officer. Our SRO is present in all buildings daily. 
  • Administrators and teachers greet students in the hallways and are involved in before, during, and after school supervision of the building and students.

Positive School Environment:

In addition to the many safety systems we have in place, we value a culture of respect, kindness, and caring in our schools and provide time for connections.

  • Capturing Kids’ Hearts is a school wide program that helps us to encourage respectful behaviors and recognize and celebrate good things that are happening.
  • Teammates mentoring of Glenwood was recently recognized as Chapter of the Year!

NEW this Year at GHS:

  • A Principal’s Student Input Group, more information to be shared soon!
  • RAMS time enrichment opportunities for phone free time for students to connect with peers and enjoy time together –additions for choice have been added to complement intervention and academic offerings.  Students can attend these choice sessions when not requested for academic help and when their work is complete.
  • HOPE Squad –a suicide prevention and student leadership program will take the place of and incorporate Reach/SADD activities. We have just begun training advisors for the program and will be looking for student participation soon! For more information about HOPE Squad, see: Schools nearby that have this program are Missouri Valley and Logan Magnolia. New sponsors are: Heather Roberson and Hannah Doorenbos. Stay tuned for more information in upcoming communications.

Courtyard Updates: 

We have updated the safety of the exterior courtyard wall.  Continued updates are happening with the courtyard exterior door. Once that is done, we will allow flow through traffic during passing periods, which will increase efficiency of passing period traffic. Please be patient with us, as we are not quite ready to open this up and doors are locked on the interior on either end of the courtyard. Currently, that space is only utilized under supervision.

Quotes to think about this week:

“Help others and give something back. I guarantee you will discover that while public service improves the lives and the world around you, its greatest reward is the enrichment and new meaning it will bring to your own life.” –Arnold Schwarzeneggar

“Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness of people.” –Tony Bennett

Service Learning:

Part of the Glenwood High School graduation requirement includes 20 hours of service. Here is the Service Learning Form. Complete this and turn it into the high school guidance office. No need to wait until your senior year.  You may begin this now.

Last week: We held our 1st pep rally of the year! Coach Faust spoke of the importance of the influence of each and every student to “Go Make a Difference!” 

Pep rally

These are just a handful of the acts of kindness that our students demonstrate daily! 

  • Students carrying another student’s bag and lunch tray who was on crutches
  • Students showing a student that they cared about them by talking with them at lunch
  • Students holding open doors for other students and teachers
  • Students picking up trash on campus and wiping up a water spill near a restroom.
  • Students sitting during the football game to give respect to our dance team and band.

See some highlights below from the pep rally: Pep Rally Video

Students of the Week:  Interim Superintendent Ms. Nicole Kooiker stopped by to meet our students and recognize our Students of the Week.  Thank you students for demonstrating our RAMS Values of “Respect, Achieve and Improve, Make an Effort, & Serve Others!” 

Students of the Week

Important Dates –Looking ahead:

Early out Wednesdays in September: Sept. 11th, 18th, and 25th.

Homecoming Dates:

Friday – October 4th - HS Dismissal at 11:25; Homecoming Parade 1:30 p.m.                         

Football Game 7:00 p.m. – Glenwood vs.Winterset

Saturday – October 5th - Coronation at 7:00 p.m. – High School Gym

Homecoming Theme - “A Day at the Zoo”

Honor Class - Glenwood Graduates of 1999

HS Picture Day: Sept. 25th

HS Sophomores & Seniors: Class ring and senior graduation packets were handed out at class meetings. More are available in the main office.

Homecoming Parade Information: The 2024 Homecoming theme is “A Day at the Zoo.” Recognition will be given to floats and banners that best reflect the parade theme


Looking forward to another great week RAM Nation!  

Lorraine Duitsman, GHS Principal