By Andrea Grile
Monday, January 22, 2024

Student Bulletin 01/22/24

By Andrea Grile
Monday, January 22, 2024
  • Starting January 24th, the middle school will be providing a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) opportunity to students on early-out Wednesdays. Students will participate in hands-on activities using specialized technical equipment. Space is limited so you must complete the form if you want to participate in this opportunity. The activity is from 1:30 - 3:00 on early out Wednesdays (you will need to arrange transportation home at 3:00). We will create a rotation so each student that is interested will be able to participate at least one time. 


  • The form was sent in an email from Mrs. Stanley last Friday.  If you did not get the email, please let the office know.
  • Softball meeting for all 8th grade girls that are interested in going out for high school softball in Ms Peschel’s room during rams time Friday
  • There will be a TEAMMATES Mentoring night at the High School basketball game on January 30th see flyer for details.
  • Soccer registration is open for the Spring 2024 season please see attached flyer for more information. Registration ends January 31st.
  • Hunter Education course information can be picked up in the office for those that are interested 

Get ready to kick off the ultimate attendance adventure at GCMS! STARTING THURSDAY! 


Guess what? Your first hour class is about to become the VIP hotspot! We're throwing down the gauntlet and challenging each first hour to dominate the attendance game.


Here's the deal: Every two weeks, the first hour with the most rock-solid attendance is not just going to be recognized – they're going to be showered with epic prizes! Picture your class as the undisputed champions, soaking in the glory of victory!


But that's not all – the stakes are high! The class with the ultimate attendance rate for that exciting two-week stretch? Brace yourselves because they're not just winning, they're becoming LEGENDS!


So, Rams, get ready to rise and shine every morning, not just for the fun of learning but for the sheer thrill of being the CHAMPIONS! Who will be the ultimate attendance champions? It could be YOU!


Attendance matters, Rams – let the adventure begin!  

#GCMSAttendanceChallenge #ChampionsUnleashed