By Andrea Grile
Friday, April 19, 2024

Student Bulletin 4/19/24

By Andrea Grile
Friday, April 19, 2024
  • Boys summer basketball camp registration forms are in the office.
  • No morning weights the remainder of the school year. More information about summer opportunities will be shared soon.
  • Glasses were turned into the office. Come in and describe to claim.
  • A reminder that non-clear water bottles may be used in the cafeteria during lunch.  Please do not use them during or in between classes.  


  • A reminder that you should report to the cafeteria for breakfast or wait in the gym until the first bell.  Please do not go to your locker until after the first bell.


  • Kiwanis Crawfish Boil is on April 27th at 5pm. Click the link for more information  


  • Color Guard Sign-ups are posted in the HS and MS offices and in both the HS and MS band rooms!  
  • Open Gym learning sessions will be held in the HS Aux Gym April 22-26 7am.
  • Auditions are held on Saturday, April 27th from 8am-10am.