By Andrea Grile
Friday, September 1, 2023

Student Bulletin 9/1/23

By Andrea Grile
Friday, September 1, 2023


  • Make sure to charge your chromebooks every night and bring them every day. Please do not adjust the settings as some are not compatible and will cause issues with your chromebook (ex. changing mouse color or size)
  • Please do not bring your chromebooks to lunch. They need to stay in your locker during that time. 
  • Last call for shirt orders. Bring them into the office ASAP they are due today by noon. Contact Joe Designer for any last minute orders. 
  • Volleyball pictures Today, Friday 09/01. 
  • TAG Robotics meet on Fridays from 3:30 - 4:30.
    • September meetings are September 1, 8, 15, and 22.
  • If anyone is interested in a Lego League building for Rams time send Mrs. Ward an email today. Invites will be sent out next week! Limited number of spots available! 
  • If anyone is interested in a Writing League for Rams time send Mrs. Ward an email today. Invites will be sent out next week! Limited number of spots available!