Local Property Tax Summary

The Glenwood Community School District’s second largest source of revenue is obtained from local property taxes.  The General, Management, Physical Plant & Equipment (PPEL), Voted Physical Plant & Equipment (VPPEL) and Debt Service Funds all generate revenue from local tax levies.  The general fund includes the Instructional Support Levy obtained from property taxes. 

The grand total of the school’s tax levies is the school’s portion of the Glenwood City Consolidated Tax Rate that includes all taxing authorities.  The other taxing authorities include the City of Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa Western Community College, Agricultural Extension, and the County Assessor.  

A historical summary of the components of the total property tax levies and the Glenwood City Consolidated Tax Rate is included in the documents listed in the side menu.

More information relating to the property tax components of the City Consolidated tax rate can be found on the Iowa Department of Management Website.

The Iowa Department of Revenue also has an excellent Iowa Property Tax Overview document that is found in the list to the left.