About GCSD

Welcome to Glenwood Community School District: Proud Past, Successful Present, Growing Future! 

In partnership with our communities, GCSD staff members are committed to developing and encouraging students as they go after their goals. Throughout their education, GCSD students learn to solve problems creatively, work together with others, communicate effectively and act responsibly. Through academic achievement, community service, and extracurricular involvement, they become capable citizens and lifelong learners.

Located in southwest Iowa, approximately 20 miles southeast of the Omaha/Council Bluffs metro area, we foster the development of more than 2,000 students from preschool to 12th grade on five campuses. We are also proud to bring communities together: Glenwood Community School District serves students and families from Glenwood, Mineola, Silver City and Pacific Junction. 

Glenwood Community School District Mission Statement

The mission of the Glenwood Community School District is to develop in all students the knowledge and competencies required of responsible citizens in a global society.

Communicate Effectively:

Writing, Speaking, Reading, Listening

Learn Constantly:

Self-Assessment, Wise Use of Leisure, Aesthetic Awareness

Solve Problems Creatively:

Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking/Producing, Decision Making

Act Responsively:

Environmental Awareness, Empathy, Respectful Citizenship

Work Productively:

Cooperation, Independence

Use Technology Capably:

Access of Information, Increased Productivity, Electronic Communication, Responsible Use of Technology

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The Every Student Succeeds Act

  • Iowa’s system for school accountability and support was created with broad public input and reflects statewide education efforts already underway.

  • This statewide system meets federal requirements outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), but fits Iowa’s context.

  • ESSA, which replaced the No Child Left Behind Act, maintains a focus on school accountability and equity for all students but shifts decision-making back to states and local school districts.

  • Iowa’s system for accountability and support focuses attention and resources to schools that need it most.

  • Iowa’s system is designed to support schools, not punish them.