Board of Education

Board of Directors

Mission Statement 

The Glenwood Community School District Board of Directors pledges its commitment to these guiding principles to foster the unity and enthusiasm of all District personnel in our common pursuit of developing each student to their highest achievement potential:

  • Listen to and respect each others' opinions -- value the life experiences that Board Members bring to the position; be supportive of one another as peers, even when there is disagreement.

  • Demonstrate confidentiality; work toward building trust both within the Board and with constituents.

  • Adhere to Board Policies; if policy changes are needed, use established policy to make changes.  Follow chain of command.

  • Work harder to be informed -- focus on Board development.

Notice of Changes Coming to the Board Website

The Glenwood Community Schools Board of Education has begun the process of transitioning from the old board website to a new and more user friendly one.  During this process we still must be able to comply with all of the rules and regulations regarding public information, however, the sheer volume of information that must be migrated makes it difficult to do this all at one time.

Meeting Schedules, Agendas, and Minutes for the most recent and upcoming meetings will now be created and posted on the new board site and can be found by clicking the button below.

Until all policies can be migrated over, they will continue to be found on the old board website.  We are currently in the process of reviewing all of our policies, updating language, rescinding some policies, and aligning with the mandated policies provided by the Iowa School Board Association aligned to state requirements.  Likewise, Past Agendas and Minutes will remain posted on the old board website, which can still be accessed by clicking the links below.

Public Participation
The public is welcome to attend School Board meetings, workshops and public hearings. Members of the public may participate in regular School Board meetings by speaking during the Public Forum.

Public Forum
Before the meeting is called to order, members of the public may sign up to speak during the Public Forum period. The Public Forum sign up cards are located on a table next to the school board agendas.

During the Public Forum side, you will be asked to stand and state your name for the record before sharing your thoughts. Although a timer is not used, please limit your comments to approximately three minutes.

If your concern involves personnel or other individuals, the board encourages you to follow the district's communication channel because speaking at a public meeting about a person may be unlawful. Typically, the communication channel involves talking with the individual first, followed by the principal, and then the superintendent. If a personnel or non-personnel issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, then you may request that it be placed on a future board agenda by either contacting the superintendent or any school board member.

School Board Response to Public Forum Comments
The School Board takes into consideration comments made by the public at meetings and hearings. Questions, concerns and requests directed to the board will usually be deferred pending administrative and board consideration.