Bus Safety

Even safer than riding in your own vehicle, riding on a school bus is the safest way for your child to travel to and from school. The safety record for school bus transportation exceeds that of all other modes of travel. Today's school buses are tougher and more diligently maintained than ever before. Large school buses are heavier and distribute crash forces differently than do passenger cars and light trucks. Because of these differences, the crash forces experienced by occupants of buses are much less than that experienced by occupants of passenger cars, light trucks or vans. School buses also keep cars off the road, decreasing both traffic congestion and fuel emissions.

School bus drivers receive special training in safety and security; undergo regular drug and alcohol testing; and receive regular driving record checks along with criminal and state child abuse registry checks. School bus traffic laws designed to protect students are strictly enforced.

Safety is our priority!

So what is the safest way to get to school? The big yellow bus!

Emergency Evacuation Drill
As per Iowa Administrative Rule 43.40 reads: Every child who rides a school bus must receive instruction in safe riding practices and participate in emergency evacuation drills at least twice annually.

Supervised evacuation drills are completed in the fall, shortly after school begins, and again in the spring at times when route buses have maximum number of riders. During the drill, bus riders will execute front, rear and side exit drills. Older, responsible student helpers will be appointed to assist in the safe off-loading and supervision of smaller riders, as well as use of the 2-way radio system.

In addition, at the beginning of every school year, all kindergarten students participate in a bus safety orientation. The children actually board a bus to hear bus safety rules while riding the bus; then the students will learn about the safety zone outside the bus and while waiting at a bus stop. The School Bus Safety Facts is sent home with each student following the presentation.

Large Objects Carried on the School Bus
Iowa Administrative rules 44.3(1) reads: “No seat or other object(s) shall be placed in the bus at any time to restrict any part of the passageway leading to the rear emergency exit, service door, or on vehicles equipped for transporting the handicapped, the special service door.

The safest method: Any item that cannot be placed beneath the bus seat or held safely on student’s lap should be transported in a separate vehicle. School bus seats cannot be removed for temporary storage of large items.

Large objects may include band instruments, oversized athletic equipment, class projects, pet carriers, etc. Please contact the Transportation Office at 527-4116 before attempting to take such items on the bus.